LUCI1 MOS is broken, we can use LUCI1 only for imaging.

In the last weeks the LBT AO team has prepared the SW and calibrations for the TTOffset compensation LUT, needed to keep the target into the slits. They have done it for the FLAO, but it should be ok for ARGOS as well. The verification is one of the task of this run.

In addition to AndrewC we have Jenny, AndrewC (software), Xianyu, DougM and Greg at the telescope to familiarize with the ARGOS operator console


  • List of action items for the run:
  • List of SW action items for the run:
  • Schedule for people and tasks:

When What Log Notes
20171129 Crew arrived at LBT    
20171130   DayTime20171130  
20171201   DayTime20171201  
20171202 2h open NightTime20171202 Something on sky + a round of LUT verification at zenith
20171203 Clouds NightTime20171203 Teaching and a round of LUT verification at zenith
20171204 Clouds NighTime20171204 Teaching and a round of LUT verification at zenith
20171205   NightTime20171205  
20171206   NightTime20171206  

List of targets

  • target list:
  • visibilities and finding charts:
  • Collection of pretty pictures from the run:
  • LUCI1 observing logs:

-- LorenzoBusoni - 06 Dec 2017
Topic revision: r2 - 02 Mar 2021, AlfioPuglisi
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