Welcome to the ARGOS Laser Guide Star twiki pages


This twiki collects all the informations related to the 2 ARGOS laser guide star systems.

It is written for the users and the engineers that have to operate and maintain the systems. You will find in this twiki all the informations about operating procedures, calibrations and configurations, maintenance and installation procedures. You will not find study and design documentation. You will find the commissioning diary.

There is a DX system and a SX system. Each of them is composed of:

Technical information

Follow the links below to explore the systems.

Right unit ArgosSystemDx
Left unit ArgosSystemSx

User Manuals and howto's

How to login see UsefulLoginInfo
Power up the ARGOS system see FullARGOSStartUpProcedure
Get ready for daytime use see HowToPerformArgosAoLoopInDayTime
Get ready for night time use see HowToPerformArgosAoLoopInNightTime
Shutdown the system properly see HowToShutdownArgos
Update ARGOS software see HowToUpdateTheArgosInstrumentSoftwareOnThe Workstations
ARGOS Maintenance list see HowToMaintainArgos

  • Procedures related to a specific device (like installation, maintenance) should be described in the device's page: see ArgosDeviceList for the full list of devices.
  • List of all howtos


Start from here.

List of Devices

Each WFS unit is made of devices (optics, mechanics, electronics, software) that must be configured, and replaced when broken.

Go to this page for the full list of devices.


Every time the system get stuck or you got an error message that you don't understand don't look the other way and take a note in BugsSummary.

Technical notes and CAN docs

Go to this page for a list of technical notes about various aspect of the system.

Several CAN documents have been uploaded here for a quickier access.

Commissioning diary

Go to this page for the diary of commissioning

ARGOSPublic Web Utilities

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Topic revision: r41 - 09 Aug 2018, GustavoRahmer
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