11:46: Light on yellow pupil

Hexapod DoF Value
X -4.7
Y -6.65
Z 4.4
Rx -100
Ry -190

*TN: 20140509_200420*-> closed loop on pupil and piezos, after that the controller crashes.

Pupil motor X Y
Yellow 295 755

We acquire IM at 10, 50, 100 modes. Data stored on

REC: 20140509_235150 : 100 modes reconstructor

TN: 20140509_000809, 20140509_000844, 20140509_000920

We try to close the loop on the

Plugged fibers from C-ring rack to LGSW. Just the Yellow one seems fine, the blue seems disconected and the red seems too bright...

18:40: Perfomed Suppression test on Yellow Pupil
Topic revision: r2 - 12 May 2014, MarcoBonaglia
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