LgswDichroicSystemSX interlock check

9:00: handover from LUCI guys. We go up to check for the SX dichroic interlock failures.

We set back the ARGOS interlock cable and we remove the jumper (this can be done in the back panel of the LUCI electronic cabinet below LUCI platform).


Work summary is in the email to Gustavo:

We went up, we connected the interlock cable instead of the jumper.
The interlock signal on LUCI1 turned yellow, we tried to click by hand both the dichroic and the fold mirror switches and the latter one turned the interlock signal to green.

So we deployed and parked again the fold mirror and then the interlock was now green, without having moved the bracket nor the switch...
We repeated the movement several times and it was always green.

In the end we pushed slightly the fold mirror bracket (approx 1mm), we put washers between the screws and the bracket and we tested again 3 times both at zenith and horizon. All the times the interlock was green...

Hence we have any meaningful conclusion on this issue...

LgswUnitSx poweron

12:00: we switched on the SX-LGSW and we immediately discovered that the Blue and Yellow PockelsCells were behaving badly. The infamous "double hear" patter was there. Humidity in the LGSW was very low (3%) and temperature was around 0°C.


14:00: we go up to switch off the dry air supply to the SX-LGSW.

We also swap the LN/ARGOS fibers to ASM and the FLAO/ARGOS one just on SX side.

  • ARGOS slopes to ASM work fine
  • FLAO slopes to ARGOS do not work (see email to Alfio/Lorenzo for details)

Topic revision: r3 - 04 Dec 2016, MarcoBonaglia
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