Bad connected accelerometers can lead to faulty behaviour of the vibration compensation system. This method can be used to check for problems with the accelerometers:
  • Take a data dump of a few seconds of vibration data with the vibration compensation gui.
  • Download the data from argos-sx-lalas:~/apps/etc/DUMP_FILENAME (dx respectively)
  • Use the script from the attachments
  • other scripts to look on vibration data can be found in /trunk/misc/vibration_compensation/tools

Analysis of the results

The first plot gives an overview of all accelerometers, the signal computed for the compensation and the feedback from the mirror. In case of all accelerometers working it looks like Figure 1.


If one accelerometer is misbehaving, it can be seen immediately in the computed output of the compensation (Figure 2).


The second plot shows the Fourier Transform of the accelerometer data. There should be little low frequency content in the signal, as seen in Figure 3.


If there is a significant low frequency component, the guilty accelerometer is found, as Accelerometer 8 in the example (Figure 4).


-- MatthiasRosensteiner - 21 Nov 2017
Topic revision: r3 - 21 Apr 2018, WolfgangGaessler
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