The following instructions apply if you are connecting from outside the telescope network. If you are at the telescope just follow HowToLogInAndConnectToVNC

Login on the LBT network

The LBT network is isolated, with a single computer (with SSH port open) that act as "bridge". The computer is ( You should ask the LBTO IT for a login

Once you are logged in lbtssh you can go anywhere in the lbt network

Login on dx-lgsw

From lbtssh you can log as argos on dx-lgsw (should be See UsefulLoginInfo for password and IP of the other ARGOS workstations.

Use of VNC

You need to tunnel the vnc port through ssh. With a UNIX / Mac OS machine you can define an alias:

alias dxlgswvnc='echo "1) establish ssh tunnel 2) open in browser vnc://localhost:5903"; ssh -C -t -L 5903: ssh -C -t -L 5903: argos@'

Run dxlgswvnc in a terminal: you'll be asked your password on and then the password of argos@dx-lgsw (see UsefulLoginInfo) and you'll get a prompt on dx-lgsw. You can then start a vnc viewer on your local computer (I use the VNCViewer plugin on chrome, but everything else should be fine) and connect to

If you are using WinSSH you can still define something like the command above; it is just more tricky.

Obviously, modify the alias above with the proper IP if you want to connect to another ARGOS workstation. See UsefulLoginInfo

Reserved VNC Ports

Some VNC ports are reserved for special users:

VNC port user
5901 operator
5902 operator
5903 engineer
5904 engineer

Use of Zabbix

Same tunnel as for VNC:

alias dxlgswzabbix='ssh -C -t -L 8000: ssh -C -t -L 8000: argos@'

Input the 2 passwords and once logged in, open on your local browser http://localhost:8000/zabbix

Login as user Admin (and don't mess up). See UsefulLoginInfo

-- LorenzoBusoni - 31 Mar 2014
Topic revision: r5 - 19 Feb 2015, MartinKulas
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