There are 2 ways to remove coma by moving the AdSec hexapod:
  1. using TCS GUI
  2. using the ARGOS terminal

How to remove coma using the TCS GUI

  1. Login on obs[x] as LBTO. See UsefulLoginInfo
  2. Start OSSGUI right (or left)
  3. Click on the icon of the M2 (right or left) to open the hexapod command window
  4. Write now the 6 numbers in the Absolute position line: this is where you need to move back in case you get lost
  5. Write zero in the 6 fields of Move Relative line.
  6. To correct for 1um of coma surface rms along X write X=+0.982mm and RY=+102". Click on Set Reference and then on Move Relative.
  7. To correct for 1um of coma surface rms along Y write Y=-0.982mm and RX=+102". Click on Set Reference and then on Move Relative.

Always click on Set Reference first and then on Move Relative

How to remove coma using the ARGOS terminal

  1. Open an ARGOS terminal and type:
from argos.arbitrator.tcs.hexapod_controller import Coma
correction= Coma.fromNumPyArray(np.array([xxx, yyy]))

Remember that xxx and yyy corrections are expressed in micrometers of wavefront rms.

-- LorenzoBusoni - 04 Nov 2014
Topic revision: r4 - 10 Mar 2016, MarcoBonaglia
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