How to shutdown and power off ARGOS properly

At the end of a night or at the end of a day work shutdown ARGOS by:
  • Press button "Shutdown"
  • [Daytime work] Remove swing arm.
  • [Daytime work] Switch of green diodes.
  • [Daytime work] Switch of white light source (any other instrument will apreciate, it shines out of the secondary!!)
Shutdown will set all devices to nominal and switch off the lasers and warm up
the wavefront sensor CCD. Shutdown works from all states.

Only at the end of an observation run you should power off!
  • Power off DX side will impact SX side LAN and LAS!
  • Power off SX side will impact DX side LAN and LAS!
To power off you press button "Power_off".

-- WolfgangGaessler - 04 Dec 2017
Topic revision: r3 - 04 May 2018, WolfgangGaessler
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