How to start only the Housekeeping module from scratch

(e.g. during Summer Shutdown when ARGOS is completely off)

  1. Connect to dx-lalas via VNC: HowToLogInAndConnectToVNC
  2. Start monit on dx-lalas (if not running already): MonitServiceManager
  3. Open firefox, go to monit and start the LAS.REMOTE_POWER.BASDARD process (if not running already).
  4. Open the DX LAS Lab Engineering GUI: Use the corresponding icon or type in a terminal argos_dx_las_lab_gui
  5. Click on the "Remote Power Control" tab and turn on LLP DX General Services.
  6. Wait 60 seconds for the Housekeeping unit to be ready.
  7. Go back to monit on firefox and start the following processes:
  8. Close the DX LAS Lab Engineering GUI and open it again (for the Housekeeping tab to synchronize with its processes).
  9. Verify that the Housekeeping tab is active and displaying values correctly.
  10. The "TELEMETRY.PROPERTY_CRAWLER" processes allow the telemetry data to be available for zabbix. Check that the zabbix displays are working: (login as "argosguest" and select screen "argos overview).

-- GustavoRahmer - 16 Aug 2018
Topic revision: r3 - 20 Sep 2018, GustavoRahmer
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