We start the calibration unit activity putting the on-axis source on FLAO.

Hexapod Value
X -4.3
Y -2.9
We close the loop on FLAO with 400 modes and we acquire a new flat with the ARGOS dichroic in:

*ASM flat: 20140517_dichroic_400modes.sav'

ARGOS slope offset: 20140517_031422

TN Notes No TT Res [nm wf] Modalplot
20140517_033345 FLAO CL bin 1, 400 modes, 1 kHz 159 20140517_033345-20140517_033616_modalplot.jpg
20140517_033544 " 161
20140517_033616 " 161
9:00 LUCI2 seems broken...

23:00 ready to propagate, LUCI2 fixed (a cable was disconnected), telescope collimated but there are too many clouds!
Topic revision: r2 - 11 Jun 2014, MarcoBonaglia
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