Known history

First unit of S334.1SL purchased in June 2010, S/N 110032051, tested in Microgate in August 2010 and then "lost" in Microgate for a while.

It has the standard PI silver mirror of 10mm diameter.


When Where Who What
201403?? OAA   Back from Microgate
20150618 OAA LB Shipped to LBT with LgswSystemSx. That's a mistake!!! it shuld have been PiezoS334914
20150831 LBT MB Stored in the ArgosCabinet0 as spare
20160318 LBT MB Brought back to OAA
20160322 OAA MB Sent to PI to be calibrated with PYGO E500 controller
2017.... OAA MB, LB In use as modulator for the PYGO / Prisma prototype

Know issues

!!! Calibration data missing !!!

When What
20130305 description of issue

Current known calibration

See src/argos/lgsw/device/

List of components devices


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Topic revision: r5 - 03 Oct 2022, MarcoBonaglia
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