GJ758A (HR7368)

From 083513 ADI (rotator stopped)

TrackNo RA/DEC filter exp #frames El DIMM/OL Mag bin #mod freq notes
20110623_082319 19:23:29 33:13:08 H 1000 1 87 NaN 0.74 7.3 1 400 990  
20110623_083031 19:23:30 33:13:01 H 1000 1 88 NaN 0.52 7.3 1 400 990  
20110623_083108 19:23:30 33:13:00 H 10000 9 88 NaN 0.88 7.4 1 400 990  
20110623_083513 19:23:30 33:12:46 H 10000 9 89 NaN 0.64 7.3 1 400 990 BAD EXP TIME?
20110623_083822 19:23:33 33:12:26 FeII 1.64 um 800 3 89 NaN 0.69 7.3 1 400 990  
20110623_084444 19:23:37 33:12:55 FeII 1.64 um 800 3 89 NaN 0.50 7.3 1 400 990  
20110623_084612 19:23:37 33:12:58 H 10000 9 88 NaN 0.92 7.4 1 400 990 BAD EXP TIME?
Topic revision: r3 - 03 Aug 2011, LorenzoBusoni
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