QSO J2051

Between 103010 and 105330 the loop was stopped and the star was re-acquired with a different orientation.

Cube 103010 may be bad.

Raw Data

TrackNo RA/DEC filter exp #frames El DIMM/OL Mag bin #mod freq notes
20110612_100823 20:51:11 19:50:39 Ks 60000 6 74 NaN 0.44 12.8 2 145 625  
20110612_101547 20:51:11 19:50:40 Ks 60000 6 75 NaN 0.38 12.8 2 145 625  
20110612_102247 20:51:12 19:50:41 Ks 60000 6 76 NaN 0.73 12.9 2 145 625  
20110612_103010 20:51:12 19:50:41 Ks 60000 6 76 0.87 0.49 12.9 2 145 625  
20110612_105330 20:51:13 19:50:38 Ks 60000 6 77 NaN 0.49 12.8 2 145 625 Changed position angle
20110612_110053 20:51:13 19:50:37 Ks 60000 6 77 NaN 0.49 12.9 2 145 625  
20110612_110816 20:51:14 19:50:34 Ks 60000 6 77 NaN 1.13 13.0 2 145 625  
20110612_111517 20:51:14 19:50:32 Ks 60000 6 76 NaN 0.61 12.6 2 145 625  
20110612_112240 20:51:14 19:50:30 Ks 60000 6 75 NaN 0.49 12.8 2 145 625  
pisces.20110612.0323.hdr.fits   Ks 60000 1             UT 09:46:18.429
pisces.20110612.0325.hdr.fits   Ks 60000 1             UT 10:00:33.402
pisces.20110612.0326.hdr.fits   Ks 60000 1             UT 10:01:40.313
pisces.20110612.0327.hdr.fits   Ks 60000 1             UT 10:02:47.183
pisces.20110612.0328.hdr.fits   Ks 60000 1             UT 10:03:54.55
pisces.20110612.0329.hdr.fits   Ks 60000 1             UT 10:05:00.980
pisces.20110612.0330.hdr.fits   Ks 60000 1             UT 10:06:07.892

TrackNo RefStar Mag El Wind DIMM/OL Rec bin #mod freq gain mod nph AntiDrift SR filter exp #frames disturb SN notes
20110612_093010 ??? 8.8 59 11 0.96 0.50 092604 1 400 990 0.4 0.8 0.7 3 184 ON 32.2 FeII 1.64 um 2000 5 ONSKY zero.fits - SR may be in error - Warning: Selected pisces dark +4h old!
20110612_100101 ??? 12.8 73 4 NaN 0.51 180534 2 145 625 1.2 0.8 0.6 3 29 ON 20.8 Ks 60000 6 ONSKY zero.fits  
20110612_100823 ??? 12.8 74 5 NaN 0.44 180534 2 145 625 1.2 0.8 0.6 3 30 ON 18.2 Ks 60000 6 ONSKY zero.fits  
20110612_101547 ??? 12.8 75 7 NaN 0.38 180534 2 145 625 1.2 0.8 0.6 3 31 ON 17.1 Ks 60000 6 ONSKY zero.fits  
20110612_102247 ??? 12.9 76 8 NaN 0.73 180534 2 145 625 1.2 0.8 0.6 3 28 ON 16.8 Ks 60000 6 ONSKY zero.fits  
20110612_103010 ??? 12.9 76 9 0.87 0.49 180534 2 145 625 0.1 -1.0 -1.0 3 27 ON 19.5 Ks 60000 6 ONSKY zero.fits  
20110612_105330 ??? 12.8 77 6 NaN 0.49 180534 2 145 625 0.6 1.1 0.6 3 30 ON 14.0 Ks 60000 6 ONSKY zero.fits - Background correction failed
20110612_110053 ??? 12.9 77 5 NaN 0.49 180534 2 145 625 0.1 -1.0 -1.0 3 27 ON 17.2 Ks 60000 6 ONSKY zero.fits  
20110612_110816 ??? 13.0 77 6 NaN 1.13 180534 2 145 625 0.6 1.1 0.6 3 26 ON 16.5 Ks 60000 6 ONSKY zero.fits  
20110612_111517 ??? 12.6 76 8 NaN 0.61 180534 2 145 625 0.6 1.1 0.6 3 36 ON 15.0 Ks 60000 6 ONSKY zero.fits  
20110612_112240 ??? 12.8 75 9 NaN 0.49 180534 2 145 625 0.1 -1.0 -1.0 3 30 ON 14.5 Ks 60000 6 ONSKY zero.fits - SR may be in error

IDL string:['20110612_093010','20110612_100101','20110612_100823','20110612_101547','20110612_102247','20110612_103010','20110612_105330','20110612_110053','20110612_110816','20110612_111517','20110612_112240']
SR 0 (NaN)
SEEING (WFS) 0.569335 (0.205386)
SEEING (DIMM) 0.914026 (0.064817)


i vettori rispetto alla stella di guida sono
X: -11.6866 26.4658 -8.42934 5.67689 -19.8853
Y: 17.9272 -9.55767 24.4602 -2.35436 29.3370
in arcsec

Example image

Average of 9x6x60s frames, Ks

From the LBTO Twiki-Log:
Observation design

1 hour total integration in Ks.
Divided into 2 position angles 50 degrees apart (avoid 60 /120 deg symmetry of secondary)
Each half hour divided into 5 dither positions.
Take 6 x 60 sec exposures with PISCES at each dither position.


09:33 iif_preset, QSO, MODE=ACQUIRE, TS=1, GS=0, RS=0, ROTMODE=IDLE - (J.Hill object)
  • using filter Ks
  • choose PA to keep PISCES upright
09:40 iif_preset,QSO, MODE=ACE, GS=11, RS=1, PA=-70 - didn't find the guide star in a convincing manner.

09:41 correcting pointing - iif_preset,WT10_272, MODE=ACQUIRE, GS=0, RS=0, ROTMODE=IDLE

09:xx iif_preset,QSO, MODE=ACE, GS=11, RS=1, PA=-70
  • irc_runao -sucess
  • iif_offset, -5, -3, COORD='DETXY' - offset failed! We need to do closed loop offsets!
09:53 iif_preset,QSO, MODE=ACE, GS=11, RS=1, PA=-70
  • iif_offset, -5, -3, COORD='DETXY' - Refused - because it found the loop paused (and considered it closed) - we send acquire_ref anyway
  • irc_runao (and it worked because the reference star was still in the CCD47 field)
AO is running at 625 Hz, with binning=2, and correcting 153 modes.

PISCES is taking 6 x 60 sec exposures in Ks at each dither position (plus a couple test exposures at the beginning).
These are done with Alfio's closed loop script to dither and take PISCES images.
Five dither positions (on a 3 arcsec radius dice5) 0,0 3,0, 0,3 -3,0 0,-3.
Reference star is not in the PISCES field at this first Position Angle.
Seeing (without adaptive optics) in R-band is 0.6 arcsec on guider. Sky is photometric, perhaps slightly smoky.

IMPORTANT: Position Angles written in the PISCES headers are wrong by 90 degrees. (Use double stars observed earlier tonight to sort out the actual postion angles.)
Also note that the RA and DEC values are exchanged in the headers of these images. JMH: Based on the observations of binaries PISCES_13 and PISCES_14 the True Astronomical Position Angles on PISCES are 90 degrees more negative than what the presets and headers say. A preset to PA=90 gives a true PA of 0.

Each 60sec exposure has a mean count level of 1730+-30 ADU.
For the first dither position, the QSO is at pixel 353,245.
We believe the AO reference star is off to the lower left, but didn't verify this.
The QSO has peak counts (including background) of 5430 ADU. SIMBAD say the magnitude is K=15.7, J=16.7, V=18.5.
The QSO is 4 pixels FWHM (0.018 arcsec/pixel TBC) in image 326, while a perfect Airy pattern should be 2.9 pixels FWHM.

First dither (0,0) starts with image 325.
First data set ends with image 354.

WARNING: Beware that the delay between the closed loop dither offset and the first exposure was shorter than expected. This means that the first image in each dither position could be offset/trailed. We don't see any obvious evidence of this in quick-look reductions by Juan Carlos. JMH: Yes, in data reduction, we see double images in images 349, 363 and 381, so the effect is there.

10:39 iif_preset,QSO, MODE=ACE, GS=11, RS=1, PA=-20 (Changing Position Angle by 50 deg)
  • irc_runao -sucess
Peculiar long integration (600 sec?) to start the next set. What causes this?? This is image 355 which appears to be a normal 60 sec exposure as viewed on ds9. So what was PISCES doing for 10 minutes? The sky/background counts in image 355 suggest that it was indeed a normal 60 sec exposure.

Image 356 is 10 sec to check the QSO position. It is the nominal positon of 225,486 pixels for the 0,0 dither.

357 is the first 60 sec exposure of the next set (PA=-20).
Second data set ends with image 386.
Twilight is starting to come up in the last ~10 exposures, but it doesn't affect the background levels in Ks.
Topic revision: r8 - 07 Jan 2014, CarmeloArcidiacono
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