06 November

Dome was not opened because of ice and bad weather

07 November

Dome was not opened because of ice and bad weather

08 November

Dome was not opened because of ice and bad weather

09 November

datafiles: pisces.20111108.#.fits

LT Target Files   Comments
5.00       good weather, opening the dome. Outside temp=-4deg, primary mirror temp=+4deg
5:10 skyflat Ks ON 0089-098   texp=1.5sec
  skyflat Ks ON 0100-0109   texp=1.0sec
  skyflat H ON 0110-0120   texp =1.0
5:26 skyflat H ON 0122-151   texp=2.5sec ADU 10000->3000
5:34 skyflat J ON 0153-182   texp=5.0sec ADU 6000->
5:41 skyflat K OFF 0183-212   texp=1.5sec ADU~50
5:45 skyflat H OFF 0213-42   texp=2.5sec ADU~50
5:51 skyflat J OFF 0243-72   texp=5.0sec ADU~50

telescope collimation. Many thin clouds passing by. Collimation takes much longer than expected.

Skipping standard star and IRC+10421

skipping HR8799 in J (needs 2 hours)

datafiles: pisces.20111109.#.fits
LT Target Files   Comments
8:20 HR8799 Ks 0364-0693   ADI, 2sec, saturatuion=0.16" rad, angle=01->41 deg
9:05 HR8799 KS sky 0716-0763   2sec, while slewing the telescope
9:10       going to Hubble 12
9:20 Hubble 12 FeII 0700-0777   1sec, for pointing
9:42 Hubble 12 FeII 0780-0799   60sec, ~0.5" seeing, thin clouds
10:14 Hubble 12 BrG 0800-815   60sec, ~0.5" seeing
10:39 Hubble 12 H 0816-0823   1sec
10:41 Hubble 12 K 0824-0831   1sec
10:42 Hubble 12 J 0832-0839   1sec
10:55       going to HD15115,
11:52 HD15115 Ks 0888-1175   ADI, 4sec, seeing~0.7", photometric, angle: 6 ->29; loop opened at 00:42
01:02 HD15115 BrG 1190-1193   0.8sec, saturated
01:05 HD15115 Ks 1210-1519   ADI, 4sec, angle: 37->49
02:05 HD15115 Ks Sky 1520-1529   4sec,
02:06       going to GG Tau
02:32 GG Tau Ks 1542-1581   5sec, seeing~0.6"
  GG Tau BrG 1582-1601    
03:30 HBC388 BrG 1610-1621   PSF std for GG Tau, 0.8 sec
03:38 HBC388 Ks 1622-1633    
03:45       going to Q0751
03:54 Q0751 Ks 1636-1645   5sec
03:58 Q0751 Ks 1646-1655   15sec
04:05 Q0751 Ks 1656-1659   120sec. Error ccd39, 04:13
04:36 Q0751 Ks 1665-1684   120sec seeing~0.8", photometric
06:20 skyflat Ks OFF 1706-1745   5 sec, telescope at zenith ADU 10->200
06:29 skyflats BrG OFF 1746-1755   15 sec
06:34 skyflats Ks ON 1756-1786   5 sec, ADU 1000->2000
06:41 skyflats FeII OFF 1788-1807   5sec, ADU 500->1000
06:48 skyflats Ks ON 1808-1837   5sec, ADU 4000->4000
06:54 skyflats BrG ON 1838-1868   15sec, ADU 1500->1600
07:07 skyflats FeII ON 1869-1909   5sec, ADU 1400->1600 7:20

10 November

good weather at sunset, wind increasing

data in pisces.20111110.*.fits
LT Target Files   Comments
16:50 skyflats      
19:20 HR8799 J     ADI, bad seeing, high wind (~15m/sec), not possible to have a stable AO loop, skipping
19:55 V407 Cyg     seeing ~1.2", high wind, variable seeing, it is not possible to close on this extended object; skipping
20:28 IC10     seeing~1.0", strong wind (~20m/s)
20:42       closing for wind
05:01       wind decreasing, opening
05:11 VYCma     BrG, 2 sec, AM~2, seeing~2", non possible to clode the AO loop
05:20 QSO0848     bad seeing, strong wind, closing
Topic revision: r10 - 21 Nov 2011, CarmeloArcidiacono
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