1. Extract the tarball:
 $ tar xzvf flao.tar.gz
 $ cd flao

2. Update the computer's /etc/hosts file with the list of hostnames found in the "hosts" file (the list is a complete list of all hostnames just for good measure, it is probably longer than needed for just the simulator).

3. Modify "flao_environment.sh" setting the $MAINDIR variable to the value of the current "flao" directory
(the result of a "pwd" command):

 $ pwd

 $ vi flao_environment.sh

  modify this line:

4. In the same file, check whether variables for other libraries (QT, Python, IDL) are correct

5. Load the environment executing the file:
 $ source flao_environment.sh

6. Test FLAO startup
 $ w_check
 $ w_start

7. Start the WFS engineering interface:

$ wfseng

click on "WFS HW GUI"
click on "Filter wheel 1" try to move the filterwheel and verify that "Cur position" is simulated

on the wfseng window, click on "WFS Arbitrator GUI"
try turning on/off the tracking loops: rerotator, ADC, camera lens.

-- AlfioPuglisi - 02 Sep 2015
Topic revision: r1 - 02 Sep 2015, AlfioPuglisi
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