Terminal 1
tcs@aotcs:12 % sudo tail -f /var/log/messages
Aug 25 14:38:03 localhost LBT_networkserver: Best 0
Aug 25 14:38:03 localhost LBT_networkserver: Server 0/0: name aotcs, load 24.000000, subsystem count 2 ( IIF LSS ), is active true, last update 1251203883911  
Aug 25 14:38:03 localhost LBT_networkserver: incorrect name found in proccess table for pid 7075
Aug 25 14:38:03 localhost LBT_networkserver: update 1251203883916 aotcs 1 0 24 2 IIF 0 LSS 1 
Aug 25 14:38:03 localhost LBT_networkserver: incorrect name found in proccess table for pid 7075
Aug 25 14:38:04 localhost LBT: Reading LBT.conf with locale testing.
Aug 25 14:38:05 localhost LBT_IIF: IIF Version 6.6 
Aug 25 14:38:05 localhost LBT_IIF: IIF Thread Started 
Aug 25 14:38:05 localhost LBT_networkserver: IIF says it is now running
Aug 25 14:38:15 localhost irs[7104]: IR Test Camera Server on:

Terminal 2

To stop the TCS/IIF/IRS processes, the following commands:
tcs@aotcs:7 % netconfig ps

LBT Processes Running

Exit 1
tcs@aotcs:8 % netconfig start
start succeeded                                             [  OK  ]
tcs@aotcs:9 % netconfig start LSS
Subsysname is LSS
Success.                                                    [  OK  ]
tcs@aotcs:10 % netconfig start IIF
Subsysname is IIF
Success.                                                    [  OK  ]
tcs@aotcs:11 % irs &
[1] 7104
tcs@aotcs:12 % Starting DIRTI server V.1.4.1

tcs@aotcs:13 % netconfig ps

LBT Processes Running
 7053 pts/4    00:00:00 networkserver
 7056 pts/4    00:00:00 rpcserver
 7058 pts/4    00:00:00 gshmserver
 7065 pts/4    00:00:01 LSS
 7075 pts/4    00:00:01 IIF
 7104 pts/4    00:00:00 irs

Exit 1

If the IRS process is not attached to the current shell, the PID displayed by "netconfig ps" command can be used with the kill command to stop the IRS:
  tcs@aotcs:21 % kill -9 7104 

-- DougMiller - 2009-09-16
Topic revision: r2 - 17 Nov 2009, LucaFini
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