Past Projects


VLT (ESO Very Large Telescope)

  • VLT-DSM (VLT Deformable Secondary Mirror)

ESA (European Space Agency)

TNG (Telescopio nazionale Galileo)

  • AO@TNG (tip tilt sensor for the AO module)

MMT (6.5m conversion of Multi Mirror Telescope)

  • MMT336 (336-actuator Adaptive Secondary Mirror)



  • Ground Layer AO (Under OPTICON)

ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana)

  • Lidar Concept

INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica)

  • Tecno-INAF 2009 (Adaptive Optics at Short Wavelenghts)
  • Tecno-INAF 2010 (Development and test of new CGH-based techniques with automate calibration for future large-format Adaptive-Optics mirrors) Private Web

Old Seminars page

Topic revision: r1 - 03 Jan 2019, LorenzoBusoni
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