LgswDichroicSystemSX test and optics installation

8:00: we start updating the control software of the DichroicServiceController. We set the parameters equal to the DX controller.

The LgswDichroicSystemSX is then rolled in clean room. We connect the DichroicServiceController to it and we test the movement of the device. After this we load into the Fold mirror controller the program to remove the mirror (rta_Mir_01_Removal_Position_131108.txt). This program is out of date because the step/rev have been changed in the last year. The optics are then installed into the cells, covers are reinstalled. The unit is rolled out of the clean room and Jeff Urban helps us in greasing the 2 dichroic rails and the movement screw. After this the unit is ready to be craned onto the telescope.

Pockels cells test with IS

Yesterday we saw the double-hear pattern appearing on Red and Blue Pockels cells after about 1 hour of operation:


We test them again today to double-check this effect.

TN Sup Plot
'20150423_214447','20150423_214610' 88, 121, 106 20150423_214447_pcTransmission.jpg
'20150423_221312','20150423_221432' 88, 125, 103 20150423_221312_pcTransmission.jpg
'20150423_222851','20150423_223016' 84, 127, 100 20150423_222851_pcTransmission.jpg

At 22:38 we have a jump down in the flux of the Blue cell and the average suppression dropped from 88 to 75 approximately.

TN Sup Plot
'20150423_234531','20150423_234652' 75, 126, 107 20150423_234531_pcTransmission.jpg
Topic revision: r2 - 24 Apr 2015, MarcoBonaglia
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