
The dichroic controller service unit has been designed for lab purposes to move the dichroic and fold mirror during the installation/removal from telescope. It is provided with a complete set of cables that are also used as spares.

When not in use it is stored in ARGOS Gustavo's cabinet at level 3U.


Known history

When Where Who What
20150423 LBT GR Received from MPE
20150424 LBT MB Changed IP addess and installed RTA control SW version "00_14_12_02_LBT"

Know issues

When What
20130305 description of issue

Current known config

Port IP
Moxa IP
Moxa S/N 2665
Moxa Firmware 3.4
Moxa MAC address 00:90:E8:49:57:49

Previous config

copy and paste from above when config is changed


  • CAN reference: 652g919

List of components devices

Device Serial Number
Dichroic Controller #5 5758
Dichroic Controller #7 15929


This topic is referred in: DayTime20150423, DayTime20150424, DichroicController, DichroicController5, DichroicController7

Topic label

Topic revision: r4 - 02 May 2015, MarcoBonaglia
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