LgswUnitDx configuration with IS

DX-LGSW DARK: 20151015_182131

We start redefining the subapertures: we modify the SX ones (20150330_170400).

Pup center Subap center Delta PM PI
128; 197 128; 195 0; 2 480; 420 -4.28; 3.50
69; 78 68; 82 1; -4 260; 430 -1.50; 1.27
194; 79 198; 83 -4; -4 395; 255 -1.50; 1.47
DX-SUBAPERTURE SET (CoG for Internal diodes): 20151016_170000

DX-PUPIL TARGET TAG: 20151016_173426

11:00: we start to work on the beam shaping procedure

Conversion between LBC steps and LFS steps to keep the same spot dimension: 42 LBC/LFS steps

LBC makes 1000 steps to move the plates between 10 and 50deg incidence angle. LFS makes 250k steps to move the lenses of 25mm.

The longitudinal focus shift introduced by a tilted parallel plate is: Dz= (n-1) l / n, where l is the optical path in the glass: l= t / cos (theta_r), where t is the plate thickness and theta_r is the refracted angle: theta_r= arcsin( sin(theta_i) / n), where theta_i is the incidence angle.

LgswUnitSx configuration with IS

SX-LGSW DARK: 20151017_003140

diodes @ 0.3; 0.1; 0.2 A ~ 5k ADU per subap/pupil

Pup center Subap center Delta PM
128; 192 128; 195 0; -3 353; 403
68; 83 68; 82 0; 1 398; 386
195; 85 198; 83 -3; 2 484; 438
SX-SUBAPERTURE SET (CoG): 20151017_000000

SX-PUPIL TARGET TAG: 20151017_005515

PockelsCellsTransmission on LgswUnitSx

TN Plot Map
['20151017_011719', '20151017_010906'] 20151017_010719_pcTransmission.jpg 20151017_010719_pcTransmissionMap.jpg
['20151017_013422', '20151017_013608'] 20151017_013422_pcTransmission.jpg 20151017_013422_pcTransmissionMap.jpg

PockelsCellsTransmission on LgswUnitDx

TN Plot Map
['20151017_061204', '20151017_061337'] 20151017_061204_pcTransmission.jpg 20151017_061204_pcTransmissionMap.jpg
-- MarcoBonaglia - 17 Oct 2015
Topic revision: r3 - 28 Oct 2015, MarcoBonaglia
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