
This is the LGSW DX unit, named "kalos kai agathos".

Known history

When Where Who What
2012     Assembled in the IBIS lab
20130215 OAA   WfsCamera1 and LgswRack1 installed
20130315     Pockels Cells installed
20130513 OAA MB General realignment
20131206 OAA MB, LB, TM Cold test
20140128 OAA   Acceptance Test
20140219 OAA MB Field stops installed on entrance windows. Removed 1,4,??. Installed 0,?,?
20140226 OAA RB, TM, MB Shipped to LBT
20140308 LBT All Installed to LBT DX
20140506 LBT MB, TM Rollbar and cable cover installed
20140519 LBT MB, TM Removed from the telescope. Pockels cells removed. Parked at LBT-3L
20141029 LBT MB, LB, GOX, SR Replaced Pockels cells. Changed input flange with new sliding entrance windows. See
20150829 LBT MB, LB, JZ, SR Replaced Pockels cells. PeriscopeMirrors and LensletArrayMount refurbishment. See DiaryRun8. Installed on the telescope. Not connected
20161014 LBT SR, M, MB Craned out of telescope, dust and mud removed

Know issues

When What
20140519 Flange of Patrol Camera Blue damaged during uninstall from the telescope


See components pages.

Removing from the LgswTable


Installing on the LgswTable


List of components devices

Device Serial Number
Avt Camera #4 02-2130A-06763
Avt Camera #5 02-2130A-06761
Avt Camera #6 02-2130A-06760
Dark Wheel #01 01
Newport NSA12 #00 12941
Newport NSA12 #01 12840
Newport NSA12 #10 13922
Newport NSA12 #11 13854
Newport NSA12 #12 13445
Newport NSA12 #09 13862
PI S334 #1 111012615
PI S334 #2 111012616
PI S334 #3 111012617
Pockels Cell #145 14-5
Pockels Cell #146 14-6
Pockels Cell #147 14-7
Pockels Cells Driver Version2 Unit1 3
Stepper Motor Adaptor Box DX ADBOX DX
THOR #5 005
WFS Camera #2 2


This topic is referred in: AvtNumber4, AvtNumber5, AvtNumber6, CablePiezoBCU4, CablePiezoBCU5, CablePiezoBCU6, Commissioning, DarkWheel1, DayTime20141030, DayTime20141031, DayTime20150221, DayTime20150222, DayTime20150823, DayTime20150824, DayTime20150827, DayTime20151014, DayTime20151016, DayTime20160309, DayTime20160310, DayTime20160311, DayTime20160312, DayTime20160511, DayTime20160514, DayTime20160515, DayTime20161014, DayTime20161015, DayTime20161016, DayTime20161018, DayTime20161204, DayTime20161205, DayTime20161206, DayTime20161207, DiaryRun1, DiaryRun11, DiaryRun12, DiaryRun13, DiaryRun14, DiaryRun3, DiaryRun5, DiaryRun8, DiaryRun9, LgswOnTelescopeParts, NightTime20160515, Nsa12Number0, Nsa12Number1, Nsa12Number10, Nsa12Number11, Nsa12Number12, Nsa12Number4, Nsa12Number9, PiezoS334615, PiezoS334616, PiezoS334617, PockelsCell144, PockelsCell145, PockelsCell146, PockelsCell147, PockelsCell2, PockelsCell3, PockelsCell4, PockelsCellDriver1, PockelsCellDriver2, PockelsCellDriver5, PockelsCellDriver6, PockelsCellsDriverToAmplifierCables03, TemperatureMonitor1, TemperatureMonitor3, TemperatureMonitor5, TemperatureSensorT17, TemperatureSensorT18, TemperatureSensorT19, TemperatureSensorT20, TemperatureSensorTH00, TemperatureSensorTH01, TemperatureSensorTH03, TemperatureSensorTH04, TemperatureSensorTH06, TemperatureSensorTH07, TemperatureSensorTH08, TemperatureSensorTH10, TemperatureSensorTH11, TemperatureSensorTH12, TemperatureSensorTH15, TemperatureSensorTH17, TemperatureSensorTH24, TemperatureSensorTH27, TemperatureSensorTH28, TemperatureSensorTH29, TemperatureSensorTH30, TemperatureSensorTHL02, WebStatistics, WfsCamera1, WfsCamera2

Topic label

Topic revision: r17 - 15 Oct 2016, MarcoBonaglia
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