LgswUnitDx calibrations

FoV measurement

DX HEXA -3.94 -2.36 0.73 -174 -384
We try to measure the LGSW FoV, we close the loop w/ 2015/07 rec but today it does not work.

  • Pos0: hexapod is centered in the best position to match the 3 FoVs:


  • Pos1: we moved the hexapod to center the blue FoV: Rx= -178; Ry= -384, PI jitter= [0.00074; 0.00324] rad


  • Pos2: hexapod move to match the RED FoV: Rx= -174; Ry= -388, PI jitter @ [0.00047; 0.00368] rad


  • Pos3: hexapod on YELLOW FoV: Rx= -172; Ry= -382; PI jitter @ [0.007; -0.002] rad.


But PI yellow is too far from 0 so we pan the yellow pupil subaps by [0, 3]px and then we save the set to subaps: 20161205_194700.

Now PI Yellow is @ [0.00091; 0.00042] rad.

  • Jitter initial position saved as: 20161205_194700

Now we optimize the pupil position looking at the illumination pattern:

Blue 430 500
Yellow 280 355
Red 395 305
Then we go back to the individual centers:

  • Pos 1/A: Rx= -178; Ry= -384: PI Blue @ [0.00060; 0.00395] rad. We decide to pan also Blue pupil by [0, +2]px. After this the subaperture set is: 20161205_200400 and the PI Blue @ [-0.00172; 0.00150] rad.

  • Pos 2/A: Rx= -174; Ry= -388: PI Red @ [0.00036; 0.00370] rad. We move the Red pupil by [-1; +1]px. Then we save the subaperture set: 20161205_201600. PI Red @ [-0.00065; 0.00146] rad.

  • Pos 3/A: Rx= -172; Ry= -382: PI Yellow @ [0.00071; 0.00056]rad. OK.

Jitter initial position: 201612105_202200.

After this we close the loop w/ 2016/05 rec.

DX HEXA -3.94 -2.36 0.735 -175 -368
We can close on 36 modes, we acquire some snapshots:

TN AO Gain AO CL TT Res. WF [nm rms] HO Res. WF [nm rms] AO rec DIMM ["] JCL PCL Notes
20161205_203259 0.2,0.1, 0 T 203.821 24.0598 20160516_092300 -1 F F
20161205_204214 0.3,0.2, 0 F 588.532 23.9265 20160516_092300 -1 T F
14:00: we realized we did an error in calibrating the FoV centers: we must acquire the pupil position at each FoV center not at the "best out of 3" centers...

  • Pos 1/B: BLUE PM @ [425; 500], PI @ [-1.09; 1.33] mrad
  • Pos 2/B: RED PM @ [410; 310], PI @ [-0.72; 2.14] mrad
  • Pos 3/B: YELLOW PM @ [280; 345], PI @ [1.06; 0.01] mrad

Jitter initial position saved as: 20161205_210900, good for night time operations.

We save also pupil target tag, independently for the 3 channels (at each FoV center): 20161205_211147 (yellow), 20161205_211420 (blue), 20161205_211454 (red).

Then we go back to the hexapod center coordinates, the pupil positions seems still fine looking at the illumination pattern.

Blue 2.40 -0.38
Yellow -1.18 1.62
Red -3.38 5.04
We save the jitter initial position as 20161205_212437, that is good for daytime operations.

LgswUnitDx DXAoLoopCalibrations

We restore modal history for 10 modes from 2016/05:

20160516_080010 20161205_204341 -
But the modal amplitude is too big we are saturating the sensor. We divide it by 2 and repeat.

New modal amplitude for 10 modes: 20161205_213200, modal amplitude for 150 modes: 20161205_214300 and modal histories: 20161205_213010, _213050, _213150.

We re-position pupil motors by hand, looking at illumination pattern:

Blue 420 515
Yellow 280 350
Red 420 310
PI initial position set as 20161205_212437.

We start acquiring new IMs:

20160516_213010 20161205_213527 20161205_213900
20160516_213050 20161205_214929 20161205_214800
20160516_213150 20161205_215041 -

They seem quite bad, we try to acquire a new IM w/o running the CL:

20160516_213150 20161205_215315 20161205_215400
It looks much better:


We build a Combined REC LGSW only: 20161205_215600 and we test in in CL (we realize later we are running at 500 Hz):

TN AO Gain AO CL TT Res. WF [nm rms] HO Res. WF [nm rms] AO rec DIMM ["] JCL PCL Notes
20161205_215925 0.5,0.4,0.3 T 171.547 29.0405 20161205_215600 -1 F F no dist
20161205_220005 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 169.706 31.4141 20161205_215600 -1 F F
20161205_220028 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 162.032 31.478 20161205_215600 -1 F F
20161205_220146 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 171.127 41.0832 20161205_215600 -1 F F dist= 0.8"
20161205_220205 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 170.464 40.8615 20161205_215600 -1 F F
20161205_220224 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 167.619 40.7466 20161205_215600 -1 F F
20161205_220726 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 168.944 53.3336 20161205_215600 -1 F F dist= 1.2"
20161205_220752 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 173.373 53.0889 20161205_215600 -1 F F
20161205_220821 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 167.337 53.3403 20161205_215600 -1 F F
20161205_221056 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 163.572 34.788 20161205_215600 -1 F F dist= 0.52"
20161205_221129 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 159.465 34.8484 20161205_215600 -1 F F
20161205_221157 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 163.247 34.5221 20161205_215600 -1 F F

Back to 1 kHz operation:

TN AO Gain AO CL TT Res. WF [nm rms] HO Res. WF [nm rms] AO rec DIMM ["] JCL PCL Notes
20161205_221419 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 117.739 53.9813 20161205_215600 -1 F F no dist
20161205_221436 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 123.496 53.0062 20161205_215600 -1 F F
20161205_221509 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 118.352 53.0865 20161205_215600 -1 F F
20161205_221622 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 114.115 57.952 20161205_215600 -1 F F dist= 0.52"
20161205_221641 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 109.071 56.5576 20161205_215600 -1 F F
20161205_221708 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 120.127 57.5131 20161205_215600 -1 F F
20161205_221818 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 117.323 62.9583 20161205_215600 -1 F F dist= 0.8"
20161205_221837 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 117.448 62.1882 20161205_215600 -1 F F
20161205_221859 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 120.782 62.514 20161205_215600 -1 F F
20161205_222019 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 127.931 72.5675 20161205_215600 -1 F F dist= 1.2"
20161205_222041 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 121.263 72.1913 20161205_215600 -1 F F
20161205_222104 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 117.689 72.064 20161205_215600 -1 F F

Then we also build Combo REC w/ FLAO BIN4: 20161205_222600 using FLAO REC 20150517_134926.
Topic revision: r2 - 08 Dec 2016, MarcoBonaglia
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