Test of pupil recentering w/ slope rms

We switch on the system and setup for Pyramid TT. We find again that pupils are not in the proper position (from illumination pattern).

We close the AO loop w/o disturb.

We start from yesterday's motor position (pos0) and we try to minimize the XY slope rms shown in Gilles' GUI.
  1. at the beginning we can set a max HO gain on 0.35 (motors in pos0)
  2. we see that Y slope rms is higher than X one, we try to move the 3 motors up by 10 steps (pos1)
  3. with motors in pos1 we can rise the HO gain up to 0.45, at 0.5 it oscillates again
  4. we move again the motors up (pos2) and we get the same HO wf rms of yesterday...

TN AO Gain AO CL TT Res. WF [nm rms] HO Res. WF [nm rms] AO rec DIMM ["] JCL PCL Notes
20161207_160536 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 73.5226 43.4666 20161205_222600 -1 T F
20161207_160722 0.5,0.5,0.5 F 54.7256 672.56 20161205_222600 -1 T F
20161207_160807 0.5,0.5,0.35 T 61.2354 254.402 20161205_222600 -1 T F pos0
20161207_160858 0.5,0.5,0.35 T 69.8744 43.0832 20161205_222600 -1 T F pos1
20161207_161004 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 71.9478 185.058 20161205_222600 -1 T F pos1
20161207_161045 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 58.3707 42.526 20161205_222600 -1 T F pos2

DX LGS jitter to NGS stage test

We acquire a new calibration: 20161207_163400 w/ LUCI rotator at 160 deg. Then we try to close the AO loop and to offset the NGS stages to see if they are shifted back.

TN AO Gain AO CL TT Res. WF [nm rms] HO Res. WF [nm rms] AO rec DIMM ["] JCL PCL Notes
20161207_163758 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 84.5198 37.8628 20161205_222600 -1 T F
20161207_164513 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 69.1005 40.8796 20161205_222600 -1 T F
20161207_165345 0.5,0.5,0.5 T 78.6437 40.3519 20161205_222600 -1 T F

DX NGS stage to PatCam calibration

We acquire it by hand:

  • Pos 0: stages @ [-73.228; -51.521] mm
  • Pos 1: stages @ [-69.243; -51.521] mm, TN: 20161207_170129
  • Pos 2: stages @ [-77.239; -51.520] mm, TN: 20161207_170405
  • Pos 3: stages @ [-73.244; -55.514] mm, TN: 20161207_171439
  • Pos 4: stages @ [-73.243; -47.515] mm, TN: 20161207_172121

to assess the spot position on the PatCams we use the same measurement procedure of the pupMirrorToPatCam IM.

IM and REC saved by hand into the file: /home/argos/ngsStages2PatCam_20161207_180500.

From the measurement we assess the jitter scale to be ~3 mrad/" on sky on the PatCams.

Then we produce the Jitter to PatCam calibration (IM and REC) and we save them in this path: /home/argos/jitterPosition2PatCam_20161207_183600

To get the final guiding algorithm we need to calibrate on-sky the PatCam to LAS pupil mirror.

Then we will need to multiply the jitter position values by the Jitter2PatCam IM and then by the PupMirror2PatCam REC to get the proper pupil mirror values...

LgswUnitDx and TipTiltSystemDx test

We first produce the QC combined REC: 20161207_190200 using the LGSW REC: 20161205_215400

we close w/o disturb and the TS does not work...
TN AO Gain AO CL TT Res. WF [nm rms] HO Res. WF [nm rms] AO rec DIMM ["] JCL PCL Notes
20161207_193922 0.2,0.5,0.5 T 291.574 40.2731 20161207_190200 -1 T F
20161207_194045 0.2,0.5,0.5 T 303.5 39.8363 20161207_190200 -1 T F
20161207_194354 0.2,0.5,0.5 T 369.229 41.6373 20161207_190200 -1 T F
The co-pointing REC is broken, we set the 2015/12 one as default and we retry w/ and w/o disturb:

TN AO Gain AO CL TT Res. WF [nm rms] HO Res. WF [nm rms] AO rec DIMM ["] JCL PCL Notes
20161207_212527 0.2,0.5,0.5 T 277.546 39.6387 20161207_190200 -1 T F
20161207_212628 0.2,0.5,0.5 T 295.908 40.7762 20161207_190200 -1 T F
20161207_213125 0.2,0.5,0.5 T 288.101 41.3917 20161207_190200 -1 T F
20161207_213510 0.2,0.5,0.5 T 248.556 71.7305 20161207_190200 -1 T F
20161207_213536 0.2,0.5,0.5 T 244.233 75.4243 20161207_190200 -1 T F
20161207_213551 0.2,0.5,0.5 F 243.021 79.0452 20161207_190200 -1 T F
20161207_213827 0.2,0.5,0.5 T 270.873 53.7633 20161207_190200 -1 T F
20161207_213855 0.2,0.5,0.5 T 246.748 54.255 20161207_190200 -1 T F
20161207_214001 0.2,0.5,0.5 T 246.14 55.0594 20161207_190200 -1 T F
20161207_214224 0.2,0.5,0.5 T 255.778 50.2866 20161207_190200 -1 T F
20161207_214243 0.2,0.5,0.5 T 273.456 48.8919 20161207_190200 -1 T F
20161207_214259 0.2,0.5,0.5 T 251.616 48.6748 20161207_190200 -1 T F

Then we also try the autogain procedure w/ 0.52" and 0.8" disturb:

Topic revision: r1 - 08 Dec 2016, MarcoBonaglia
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