
The term "LAS System" refer to all the HW and SW related to the ARGOS laser system on a single LBT eye.

A LAS System includes a LAS Unit (the box containing lasers and pointing optics) and the electronic racks installed on the Laser platform.

It doesn't include the launch system (see LanSystem) nor the WFS systems (see LgswSystem)

It does include the LaserSupplyRack that is common to several components of ARGOS

List of devices of this kind

Name Serial Number Location
LAS system DX 1 LBTLaserLaunchPlatform
LAS system SX 2 LBTLaserLaunchPlatform


attach and describe datasheets and documents

Installation and maintenance

describe what is needed to put a new device of this kind into operation state: configuration, firmware uploading, software modifications, ...

tuning SHG temperatures

how to

blabla HowToStartLUCI hfhffhf


This topic is referred in: HowToStartSoftware, LanSystem, WebHome

Topic label

Topic revision: r2 - 06 Jul 2015, SebastianRabien
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