This test was performed by SR after the refurbishment of PockelsCell2, PockelsCell3 and PockelsCell4 (see SR email of 15 Oct 2014):

The three DX cells are refurbished and sitting now in the lab, waiting for packing.
All three have been checked on transmission in a collimated 7.6mm beam and a converging/diverging beam using f=100mm lenses in the same beam.
Applying no voltage pulses the suppression of the cells is around ~2000..3000 in a collimated beam.
due to some ringing present this performance drops with our usual 2µs pulses at 10kHz to ~500. The average over all delays is hard to estimate in this setup.
According data can be found here for reference:
The attached table gives the average count values in the 7.6mm circle, as read from the screen.

Performance_summary_refurbished_cells.xlsx: Performance_summary_refurbished_cells.xlsx

Topic revision: r1 - 04 Nov 2014, MarcoBonaglia
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