Known history

When Where Who What
20130312 OAA SR, JZ Installed in LgswUnitDx in BlueChannel
20131122 OAA MB New shield box and connectors installed.
20140519 LBT MB, TM Removed from LgswUnitDx and consigned to SR
20141015 MPE SR Refurbished
20141031 LBT MB, SR Reinstalled on LgswUnitDx in BlueChannel
20150706 LBT MB, LB Removed from LgswUnitDx and shipped back to MPE

Know issues

When What
20140320 Suppression not ok during first run on sky
20140519 All plastic parts have been eaten by ozone


Suppression rate tests:

When Suppression Test log
20141015 ? MpeTest20141015
20141102 750 DayTime20141102
20141104 75 DayTime20141104

See PockelsCells

List of components devices


This topic is referred in: DayTime20141030, MpeTest20141015, PockelsCellsTransmission

Topic label

Topic revision: r8 - 07 Jul 2015, MarcoBonaglia
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