Night Time 20140323

Defined a new target position for PatCams: 20140322_205100

CalUnitSystem light on PatCams in DayTime, TN: 20130322_220800

1:20 - Test of PockelsCells: 100ns opening time counts: 1900, 900, 280

200ns: 2050, 950, 300

TN: 20140323_012459 solar ligth on M1 -> good illumination to measure FoV diameter

We put diodes to 0.2A and we scan the Pockels cells opening time: 100ns: 9000, 4000, 1600

500ns: 10200, 4800, 2000

1000ns: 11000, 6000, 2600

1500ns: 12800, 7200, 3300

3:16 - Preset acquire authorizing LUCI@RFBG on ACT0284 (about 4deg from M35, EL 60deg), dichroic slided in, the target is offsetted by [6.0; 1.0]arcsec.

Telescope back on M35, EL 63, AZ 258.

3:31 - We try to recenter the LGS within the FoV

New IM between LM1 and PatCams: 20140323_033220

We try to recenter also with a periscope loop

Shell RIP TN: 20140323_035507

JCG removes an actuator from the set. M2 restarted.

TN: 20140323_035833 Pupil loop closed

TN: 20140323_040024 Pupil & jitter loop closed

4:31 - We check the LAN flexures going from 45deg EL to Zentih: at each elevation we recenter the LGS with LM1-PatCams loop and we write down the LM1 motors positions:

EL A1 A2 A3
45 14470 8626 13265
50 14498 8649 13212
60 14577 8687 13095
70 14672 8710 12972
80 14802 8736 12818
90 14940 8739 12679
On the way back to EL45 we set on LM1 motors the previous values, then we close the LM1-PatCams loops and we write down the final position.

EL A1 A2 A3
80 14784 8741 12828
70 14672 8728 12962
60 14574 8695 13092
50 14498 8655 13207
45 14470 8637 13256
During the descending sweep the LGS are always found within the PatCams FoV using the ascending LM1 positions.

Another actuator dies and it is removed (560)

TN: 20140323_052208 EL45

TN: 20140323_052542 pupil loop closed, good for subapertures definition

TN: 20140323_052650 jitter loop closed

New slope_null acquired: 20140323_052924

We try to keep going the LM1-PatCams loop

We set a new PupilRecenteringTarget wrt the lab one: YELLOW = [+0.25; -0.25], RED = [+0.5; -0.5]. 20140323_054800

We redefine the subapertures wrt the lab ones: BLUE = [0; -1], YELLOW = [+3; -4], RED = [+5; -7]. New SubaperturesDefinition: 20140323_055200

New SlopeOffset: 20140323_055556

TN: 20140323_055940 half laser is closed

TN: 20140323_062326 good

LAN focus scan:

Stage [steps] TN Notes
0k 20140323_060444  
-10k 20140323_060518  
-20k 20140323_060546  
-30k 20140323_060643 FWHM: 2.2, 1.8
-40k 20140323_060902  
-60k 20140323_061010 FWHM: 1.95
-80k 20140323_061220 FWHM: 1.86
-100k 20140323_061309 FWHM: 1.98
-120k 20140323_061413 FWHM: 1.85
-140k 20140323_061535 FWHM: 1.92, 2.1, 1.86, 1.99
-160k 20140323_061657  
-180k 20140323_061852  
Sweep ToFfirst at big steps then at small ones:

ToF [us] TN
80 20140323_062611
82 20140323_062719
84 20140323_062758
86 20140323_062856
88 20140323_062939
84 20140323_063226
85 20140323_063318
86 20140323_063403
87 20140323_063455
The best position seems to be 86us

We set incremental modes on M2:

M2 Z5 [um] TN SlopeOffset
5 20140323_063851 20140323_055556
-5 20140323_064013 20140323_055556
-5 20140323_064222 20140323_064141
-2.5 20140323_064317 20140323_064141
-1.25 20140323_064408 20140323_064141
7:00 - Shell RIP, end of games

9:00 - Email to Armando

10:04 - Shell is back, Steve tries to move telescope to EL50, shell RIP again...

11:00 - Test of PI TF with sinusoidal command

Commanded freq [Hz] TN Notes
1 20140323_114547 A=1.35"
2 20140323_115229  
4 20140323_115753 wrong
4 20140323_120918 3.5Hz
8 20140323_121157 6.5Hz
16 20140323_121423 12Hz, A=1.3"
32 20140323_121620 20Hz, A=1.25"
64 20140323_121843 26Hz, A=1.25"
Test with a step command.
Topic revision: r2 - 04 Nov 2014, LorenzoBusoni
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