Who When
M. Bonaglia 20140309-20140324
L. Busoni 20140309-20140324
T. Mazzoni 20140309-20140324
M. Kulas 20140310-20140324
H. Gemperlein 20140310-20140324
J. Ziegleder 20140310-20140324
G. Orban de Xivry 20140310-20140324
M. Deysenroth 20140310-20140324
W. Raab 20140310-20140324
M. Lefebvre 20140310-20140324
G. Rahmer 20140310-20140324
W. Gaessler 20140318-20140324
S. Rabien 20140318-20140324
S. Esposito 20140318-20140324


ARGOS_Mar2014_plan_v3.pdf: Plan for March 14 run


Photo of the run (flickr)


When What Report Notes
20140309 Sun dx-lgsw workstation installed    
20140310 Mon LgswUnitDx unpacked and installed in the PEPSI lab    
20140311 Tue LgswUnitDx running in the PEPSI lab, on telescope work to modify C-ring rack cooling    
20140312 Wed LgswUnitDx running in the PEPSI lab, on telescope work to install LSP to LGSW cable trays and connections    
20140313 Thu LgswUnitDx disconnecter, LgswRack1 craned on telescope and secured to LUCI platform, functionality checked    
20140314 Fri On telescope work to cable the LgswRack1 to LgswUnitDx    
20140315 Sat On telescope work to cable the LgswRack1 to LgswUnitDx. In the afternoon the LgswUnitDx is craned and installed on telescope    
20140316 Sun LgswUnitDx running on telescope, refinement work on telescope manifold, THOR sensors installed    
20140317 Mon LgswUnitDx running on telescope, LgswDichroicSystemDX functionality check    
20140318 Tue LgswUnitDx running on telescope, DichroicController program check and refinement    
20140319 Wed LgswUnitDx running on telescope, NightTime20140320   131007_LBT_recollimation.pdf
20140320 Thu Data analisys and debug of NightTimeData    
20140321 Fri NightTime20140322    
20140322 Sat NightTime20140323    
20140323 Sun NightTime20140324    
Topic revision: r8 - 04 Nov 2014, MarcoBonaglia
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