Known history

When Where Who What
20130313 OAA JZ, SR Connected to the Pockels Cell on LgswUnitDx
20130424 OAA   Burned. Removed from the unit
20130509 MPE JZ Shipped back to MPE
20130810 OAA MB Fixed. Shipped back to OAA. Installed on LgswUnitSx
20131004 OAA TM Removed from LgswUnitSx to check for possible PC under-powering (?)
20131014 OAA TM Consigned to JZ at Chiemsee
20150200 LBT JZ Stored in ArgosCabinet0 as spare part
2015xxyy LBT JZ Shipped back to MPE to be used as doorstop

Know issues

When What
20130424 No more light , no more whistle. PockelsCellsAmplifier1 goes into error mode (red LED on)
20131004 It whistle, but we don't see any effects in terms of transmitted light when the PockelsCellsAmplifier1 is off or on


decribe how to repair or replace a broken part


This topic is referred in: PockelsCellDriver2

Topic label

Topic revision: r13 - 04 Sep 2015, MarcoBonaglia
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