
The white light source is a subrack unit containing two Ocean Optics HL-2000-HP-232 halogen light sources and a Moxa NPort 5400 serial device server. Serial ports 1&2 are used to control the light sources, while the remaining ports 3&4 are available on the rear side of the subrack.

This device is common to both sides of the telescope: in the future the 2 light sources will be used for DX and SX reflection on-axis sources. At the moment both sources are used on the DX side, one in reflection and one in transmission through the hologram

A spare unit with bulb exist and is stored Argos3U in ArgosCabinet?.

Known history

When Where Who What
20150222 LBT WG Swapped the so-called DX and SX sources: now SX source is in reflection through CalUnitSystemDx, while DX source is in transmission through the hologram.
20150424 LBT WG Swapped back: now DX source is in reflection through CalUnitSystemDx, while SX source is in transmission through the hologram.

Know issues

When What
20150222 The DX unit is not stable. It continuously reset to the default OFF state. This might be related to low temperature. After redirecting the cooling flow it worked again.

Current known config

SN MAC IP Location
WLS 00:90:E8:29:10:41 LBT

Previous config

copy and paste from above when config is changed


Use of the unit is described in this topic

General software instructions can be found in MPIA wiki page:

A user manual can be found in the LBT CAN archive:

The subrack schematics are also in the LBT CAN:

The Ocean Optics HL-2000-HP-232 light source manual is here:


decribe how to repair or replace a broken part

List of components devices


This topic is referred in: DayTime20160311, HowToSetUpForLUCIOffsetCalibration, HowToSetupCalibrationUnit, NightTime20150223

Topic label

Topic revision: r5 - 02 Sep 2015, WolfgangGaessler
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