Base objects

There are some base objects in the libraries which can/must be inherited by other object to implement some general functionalities.


The only purpose of this class is to inherit from both base_time_obj and IDL_Object, so that data classes do not need to inherit from then, but just from this one.


Base data object for dictionaries which inherits from base_time_obj and dictionary.


Basic data object in GPU memory. Use this object to store simple arrays in GPU memory.


Base data object for lists which inherits from base_time_obj and list.


Base parameter object with apply_properties method.


Base class for processing objects. A processing object is the basic building block of a simulation. Each processing object defines a trigger procedure that is called at regular interval by the loop_control main object.


Do not use this class directly. Derive from base_data_obj or base_processing_obj. Class for objects that need to keep track of time generation or resolution (typically both processing and data objects). Needs to be inherited together with IDL_Object in order to work


Basic data object. Use this object to store simple scalars or arrays without further qualifications.

-- GuidoAgapito - 21 Aug 2018
Topic revision: r1 - 21 Aug 2018, GuidoAgapito
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