Calibration manager

calib_manager object manages disk I/O for calibration data. It uses a directory tree to distinguish different data, and read/read/restore methods of the data objects.

Example of sub-directories dictionary

self._subdirs = dictionary({ $
 phasescreen: 'phasescreens/', $ ; phase-screens 
 slopenull  : 'slopenulls/', $ ; reference slope vector
 pupils     : 'pupils/', $ ; pyramid WFS pupil
 subaps     : 'subaps/', $ ; SH WFS sub-apertures index
 rec        : 'rec/', $ ; reconstruction matrix
 im         : 'im/', $ ; interaction matrix
 ifunc      : 'ifunc/', $ ; influence functions matrix (modal or zonal)
 m2c        : 'm2c/', $ ; modes-to-commands matrix
 filter     : 'filter/', $ ; IIR filters
 pupilstop  : 'pupilstop/', $ ; pupil mask
 vibrations : 'vibrations/' $ ; vibrations PSD

Example of Read/Write methods

pro calib_manager::write_im, tag, intmat

; produces the filename with the complete path
filename = self.filename( 'im', tag, /makedirs)
intmat.tag = tag

; uses save method of the data object, filename

function calib_manager::read_im, tag

; produces the filename with the complete path
filename = self.filename( 'im', tag)

; returns !NULL if the file does not exist
if not file_test(filename) then return, !NULL

; uses restore method of the data object
return, intmat.restore(filename)

-- GuidoAgapito - 21 Aug 2018
Topic revision: r2 - 04 Dec 2019, GuidoAgapito
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