How To Setup ARGOS for AO calibrations

  • Organize telescope access with Telescope Manager and mail to telescopework
    • Telescope must be at Zenith - you can check it in the IIFGUI.
    • Stow pins must be in - you can check it in the MCSGUI.
    • HBS should be on - you can check it in the MCSGUI.
    • Authorize as LUCI, bentGregorianArgos (HowToAuthorizeLUCIAtARGOS) - you can check in the IIFGUI)
    • Set the Adsec Shell in Adsec Arbitrator GUI
    • Enable Retroreflector mode from the adsec terminal ( - you can check in the AOSGUI
    • Upper floods must be switched off, lowers can be on
  • Now done with authorization as bentGregorianArgos:
    • Fiber switch must connect ARGOS BCU to Adsec - (HowToUseTheFiberSwitch ) - (now done with authorization of bentGregorianArgos)
      • not yet fully:
        • Go AdSec Control GUI: Tab 'Focal station' -> Press 'Set'
    • Enable Argos Arbitrator in AOSGUI - (now done with authorization of bentGregorianArgos)
  • Startup ARGOS and FLAO software, see HowToStartSoftware and HowToStartPyramidWfs
  • Open Arbitrator GUI.
  • Put LAS and LAN in simulation
  • Execute the sequence up to state "READY_TO_CALIBRATE_ON_CALSOURCE", select therefore the proper Light source!!
  • [Parallel] Deploy calibration unit, see HowToSetupCalibrationUnit
  • [Parallel] Setup Hexapod: see HowToEnableHexapodOffload
  • [Parallel] Switch on White light source (shutter position 100)
  • [Parallel] Switch on Diode sources (100mA current)
After finishing all previous tasks you should see the CalSourceDiodes on the Patrol cameras (Arbitrator GUI, tab "LGS Acquisition").
  • If not visible you have to search for them with the Hexapod
  • If you see large coma you can remove it following HowToRemoveComa.
  • If they look good you put them on the wavefront sensor
    • Open 'CCD viewer': Applications -> Argos ?x -> ccd viewer
    • Open Arbitrator GUI, tab "LGS Acquisition"
    • Select "hexapod & patrol camera"
    • Click in each of the camera displays on the corresponding spot of the diod
    • Press button "Acquire manually
    • Repeat until pattern on "CCD viewer" looks good
    • Update in PSFGUI the Hexapod "Global Offsets" with the values from "Platform Position"!
Topic revision: r12 - 21 Feb 2018, MarcoBonaglia
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