
It is a set of utility tools needed to align the LgswSystem and the LgswDichroicSystem at the telescope. All the material fits in a gray box (used for the LgswSystem shipment to LBT) and stored in the ArgosCabinet0 at 3U.

List of material contained in the LgswAlignmentTools:
  • Lgsw alignment mask
  • 2x 1" flat fold mirror with mount
  • Set of shims for the WfsCamera
  • 3x dummy PockelsCells
  • Dichroic alignment bracket
  • LgswTable alignment mask

What is missing and it will be necessary for the LgswUnit alignment are:
  • The 532nm collimated laser source
  • The 30x beam expander

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Topic revision: r2 - 28 Aug 2015, MarcoBonaglia
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