
The black, t-shaped box containing the LGSW WFS. Includes patrol camera, Pockels cell driver and detector


List of devices of this kind

Name Serial Number Location
LGSW WFS DX kalos kai agathos LgswSystemDx
LGSW WFS SX per aspera ad astra LgswSystemSx


attach and describe datasheets and documents

Installation and maintenance

describe what is needed to put a new device of this kind into operation state: configuration, firmware uploading, software modifications, ...


This topic is referred in: AvtCamera, BCU, ElectronicRackLgsw, HowToCalibrateLgsGuiding, HowToMeasureLgswFovPosition, LedSourceFibers, LgswAlignmentTools, LgswChannels, LgswSystem, LgswTable, LgswUnitSx, MoCon, NewportNSA12StepperMotors, OzonePump, PockelsCellDriver, PockelsCellDriverV2, PockelsCells, StepperMotorAdaptorBox, TomelleriSrl, WfsCamera

Topic label

Topic revision: r2 - 04 Jun 2015, MarcoBonaglia
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