Servicing of LgswUnitDx

Entance windows separation is 137mm (nominal is 137.9mm).


This is the same distance that we have in the LgswUnitSx. So the field stop is actually at

Buco nella shield delle pockels cell per pompare aria. Festo 6mm Accorciati i cavi high voltage.

Put plastic wrap around hv cables to increase separation.

PockelsCell2 = Blue


PockelsCell3 = Yellow


PockelsCell4 = Red


Hv calbes inside the EM box show some king of white deposition (very similar to cotton stuff), we have cleaned it with alchool.


Cambiata flangia input.

Cambiate entrance windows.

Cambiata calibration unit.

Check light with auxiliary Thorlabs diode: is ok on internal source.

Reinstalled old patrol cameras.

-- LorenzoBusoni - 31 Oct 2014
Topic revision: r3 - 04 Nov 2014, MarcoBonaglia
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