Who From To
T. Mazzoni 20141025 20141103
J. Ziegleder 20141028 201411??
G. Orban de Xivry 20141028 201411??
W. Raab 20141028 201411??
S. Rabien 20141028 201411??
D. Peter 201401029 201411??
W. Gaessler 20141029 201411??
M. Bonaglia 20141030 20141109
L. Busoni 20141030 20141109
M. Lefebvre 20141025 201411??
G. Rahmer ?? ??


ARGOS LBT October 2014 Plan V4.xlsx: Plan for Oct 14 run

2014_05_ActionItems.docx: Action Items from May 14 run


Activity summary

When What Log Notes
20141028 Tue ??? DayTime20141028  
20141029 Wed Cal unit activity. DayTime20141029  
20141030 Thu Cal unit activity, LgswUnitDx servicing in clean room DayTime20141030  
20141031 Fri Cal unit activity, Dx LGSW calbe tray modification, LgswUnitDx installation DayTime20141031  
20141101 Sat LgswUnitDx cabling, vacuum pump installed, power cord of TT unit fixed DayTime20141101  
20141102 Sun FLAO activity (alignment with RR, IRTC mounting). PockelsCellsTransmission test with ext. sources, IS & CalUnit. CalUnitSystem to LGSW alignment. NightTime lost due to bad wheather, LgswUnitDx test with CalUnitSystem. PatCam clock, FLAO CL on CalUnit DayTime20141102 Bad wheather
20141103 Mon New subapertures definition, BCU firmware update, calibration of blue pupil DayTime20141103  
20141104 Tue Calibrations, SCAO & GLAO CL. SlopeOffset with FLAO. PockelsCellsTransmission DayTime20141104  
20141105 Wed VibComp: camera installed to measure LAS PM to LM1 IM. LGSW calibration: hexapod offload solved, gain bug fixed, test of TT filtering in IM, test of jitter comp., 0.8 - 1.2 - 1.6" seeing test, 4000 - 2000 - 1000 - 500 ADU test DayTime20141105  
20141106 Thu Created new subapertures set for different slope computation algorithms. IM recorded and REC generated. Tested slope comp. algos at different fluxes. DayTime20141106  
20141107 Fri TS functionality checked: high correction and low correction regime compared. Generated mixed ARGOS-FLAO REC. FLAO TT loop closed through ARGOS. Global ARGOS + FLAO TT + TS functionality checked. DayTime20141107  
20141108   DayTime20141108  
Topic revision: r15 - 24 Sep 2015, MarcoBonaglia
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