
This rack has a WFS DX label on the front door

Known history

When Where Who What
20130215 OAA JZ, GOX Delivered to OAA
20140226 OAA RB, TM, MB Shipped to LBT

  • 20130215. Moved from MPE to OAA with the MPE truck by JZ and GOX. Installed in the IBIS lab. See delivery notes. Connected to 110V and to water cooling (no glicol) at about 8C. After 20130313 we raised water to 12C.

Know issues

When What
20130215 description of issue

Current known config

List of components devices

Device Serial Number
BCU #2 0002
Dichroic Controller and Web IO Module 1 1
MoCon WFS DX wfsdx
Pockels Cells Amplifier Version2 Unit1 1
Quantum Composer #1  
THOR #1 001
Tip Tilt Unit #2 TTS2
WFS Camera Electronics Rack #2 2


This topic is referred in: BcuNumber2, BcuNumber3, CableAdaptorBoxMocon5, DayTime20151014, DiaryRun1, DichroicControllerAndWebIOModule01, LgswUnitDx, MoconWFSDX, PockelsCellsAmplifier1, PockelsCellsAmplifier3, PockelsCellsAmplifier4, PockelsCellsDriverToAmplifierCables03, TemperatureMonitor1, TemperatureSensorTHL02, TipTiltUnit1, TipTiltUnit2, WfsCameraElectronicsRack1, WfsCameraElectronicsRack2

Topic label


Topic revision: r12 - 13 Apr 2015, MarcoBonaglia
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