Handover documents

Design, requirements and architecture
481f301e AOS-Guide.pdf AOS-Guide.tgz AOS - Complete Guide v2.0 A complete description of AOS, both architecture and functionality. Updated to before the support for ARGOS. Other AOS related documents in CAN are obsolete (and relevant info is included here). Source files (LaTeX plus figures) for the AOS-Guide document.
486f005a 486f005a.pdf 486f005a.zip LBT-AdOpt Software Development Schedule From October 2015. Contains diagram of Supervisor components, even if somewhat outdated
486f007c 486f007c.pdf 486f007c.doc LBT Adaptive Secondary Mirror. Functional Description

Detailed descriptions of AdSec functionality

486f009a 486f009a.pdf   AO Supervisor Functional description Detailed description of some AO Supervisor components
486f010a 486f010a.pdf   AO Software Testing - I - Engineering tests with low level interfaces Gives an idea of low-level AO Supervisor functionality
486f011a 486f011a.pdf   AO Software Testing - II - Engineering tests with Arbitrators Gives an idea of high-level AO Supervisor functionality
486f015e 486f015e.pdf 486f015e.doc AdSec requirements document Detailed description of AdSec low-level firmware operations
  2008_fini_arb_70190F-2.pdf   The LBT-AdOpt Arbitrator. Coordinating many loosely coupled processes Paper about the Arbitrator architecture
  MirrorCtrl-Architecture.pdf MirrorCtrl-Architecture.odt MirrorCtrl architecture Detailed design of the BCU-communicator program MirrorCtrl
IT requirements and installation
485f001a 485f001a.pdf 485f001a.odg AGW ON-AXIS DATA COMMUNICATION LAYOUT Diagram of the AGW unit network
485f004i 485f004i.pdf 485f004i.zip LBT AO System Network Layout Detailed discussion of the overall AO network
  OsConfiguration.pdf   INTEGRATED INTO FLAO USER MANUAL from v1.1 OS installation, configuration and setup for servers supporting FLAO software
  CentOS67Installation.pdf   INTEGRATED INTO FLAO USER MANUAL from v1.1 Updates for installation on CentOS 6 or 7
  UserConfig.pdf   INTEGRATED INTO FLAO USER MANUAL from v1.1 How to configure user accounts for FLAO
Code structure
  AOArb_sm.pdf   State machine diagram UAO AO Arbitrator state machine diagram
  AoArbitratorCommands.pdf AoArbitratorCommands.docx AO Arbitrator commands How AO Arbitrator commands are mapped to WFS and AdSec commands
  CommonFeatures.pdf   Common Features of most processes Command line switches, log files, etc
  Text_mode_serialization.pdf Text_mode_serialization.docx Text mode serialization Notes on the implementation of text-mode serialization with the C++ BOOST serialization protocol
  wfs_software.pdf wfs_software.doc WFS software List of WFS software components (note: renamed from "AGW software" as AGW includes more components than jut this).
  687f400b.pdf 687f400b.doc WFS Arbitrator interface Detailed description of the WFS Arbitrator interface
  Logger.pdf logger.tgz Logger Detailed description of the Logger functionality
  InterferometerLib.pdf   Interferometer library Details about the library to communicate with the 4D interferometer
Interface control
485f005h 485f005h.pdf 485f005h.doc FLAO Interface Control Document Contains descriptions of physical network interfaces
  UAO_original_FSM_design.pdf UAO_original_FSM_design.doc UAO State machine description  
      UAO Development plan Should be v.1.10
  UAO_ASM_Changelog.pdf UAO_ASM_Changelog.docx UAO changes specific to the ASM  
    INTEGRATED INTO AOS COMPLETE GUIDE v2.0 Aos Config How to configure AOS offloads
    INTEGRATED INTO FLAO USER MANUAL from v1.3 Data backup at LBTO How data is backed up on LBTO and Arcetri NAS.
  HouseKeepingLBTO.pdf OUTDATED Computer housekeeping Monitoring of disk space, etc.
  Deploy.pdf INTEGRATED INTO FLAO USER MANUAL from v1.1 Manual for the official release tools: Prepare, Deploy and Flao
    ASM high level ASM shigh level control file directory descriptions ?
  FLAO_User_procedures_vG.pdf FLAO_User_procedures_vG.docx FLAO user procedures Practical descriptions of procedures for daytime checks
  FLAO_User_procedures_vE.pdf FLAO_User_procedures_vE.docx FLAO user procedures - centOS 5 version Practical descriptions of procedures for daytime checks
  FLAO_user_manual_v1.6.pdf FLAO_user_manual_v1.6.docx FLAO user manual v1.6 (final) Work in progress
  640f038a-draft06_lbt672a_opt_test.pdf 640f038a-draft06_lbt672a_opt_test.docx Optical Calibration procedure (using the 4D)  
  Oct11Notes.pdf   INTEGRATED INTO FLAO user procedures, Appendix A - Notes from October 2011 Notes and HOWTOs about: PISCES interface, pupil digital shift, how to recover from stuck CCD viewers
  HowToPeerMsgDs.pdd INTEGRATED INTO FLAO USER MANUAL from v1.4 How to setup MsgD peering Describes how to setup the peering mechanism between WFS, AdSec and LBTI message daemons
  ElabLib.pdf   INTEGRATED INTO FLAO USER MANUAL from v1.1 Howto install and use + slides from an internal review
Check if these are still up to date:

AcqInfFunc4dAndFlattening.pdf Acquisition of influence functions and flattening HOWTO acquire influence functions
Procedure_for_AdSec672_Influence_Functions_sampling.doc Procedure for AdSec672 Influence functions sampling HOWTO acquire influence functions

Adaptive Secondary Mirror on LBT Twiki

Full file list with interfaces

Full list of IDL file sorted by category, path and alphabet. Help inside the code directly provided trough the IDL interface.
Status: up to date. missing help for scripts developped for lab and test purposes and for some high level procedure. C++ wrapper to AO framework missing.

ASM Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting procedures for many ASM test (usually used during maintenance)
Status: up to date. FAQ section intended to be completed during everyday use.

GUIs map

Extensive description of engineering GUIs.
Status: housekeeper and mirror gui updated. a bit out of date or with missing informations about other GUIs.

ASM operating procedures

High level operating procedure
Status: shell installation, seeing limited, reconstruction operations, calibration EM and optical, functional and low level all up to date. Configuration file short description with expansion of relevant up to date. Ip map up to date. Section with obsolete/unmantained pages.

ASM low level manual

Topic revision: r1 - 28 Feb 2019, AlfioPuglisi
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